The <CVS/ECG> page of the supervisory application is used to make adjustments to the ECG and circulation of the patient.
The values set on this page are all nominal - ie they represent the value of the parameter before any intervention or therapy has occurred.
The <HR> slider is used to set the nominal heart rate of the patient.
The <SVR> slider is used to set the nominal vascular resistance of the patient. The scale is arbitrary (because manipulation of the control affects more than one system parameter), but a value of 3 - 4 may be considered 'Normal'.
The <CI> slider is used to set the nominal Cardiac Index of the patient. A value of ~ 2.2 L/Min/M2 is typical of patients under anaesthesia and before bypass.
The <Gain> slider is used to increase the circulating blood volume of the patient. The scale is in mls/min.
The <Loss> slider is used to reduce the circulating blood volume of the patient. The scale is in mls/min.
The <Freq> slider is used to set the frequency of ectopic heart beats.
The <Set as Primary> button sets the selected ECG rhythm as the primary cardiac rhythm.
The <Set as Ectopic> button sets the selected ECG rhythm as the ectopic cardiac rhythm.
Checking the <Diathermy> box simulates diathermy interference on the ECG which continues until the control is unchecked.
Checking the <ECG Lead Off> box simulates disconnection of an ECG lead which continues until the control is unchecked. |